February 2022: Student of the Month: Lorena, Fit at 50

When did you start your journey with classes at Pole Pressure?
May 2021

Why did you decide to try classes at Pole Pressure?
I was looking for an aerial yoga studio during COVID and I couldn’t find any studios in the area. I came to Pole Pressure to try aerial hoop.

What do you love most about classes at Pole Pressure?
I love the instructors’ individualized attention and their focus on proper technique and safety.

Why do you love Pole Pressure?

Being in the air makes me feel strong, confident, free, and happy. It’s a great way to decompress from a long day at work.

What are some of your goals for this year?

I’d like to advance to intermediate Lyra and do more on the top of the hoop.

If you could train with any of your fitness idols, who would it be and why?

The crew of Cirque Du Soleil. We can chat about “Cirque du Soleil - the Golden Years.”

What motivates you to train?

Staying strong, flexible and healthy in my 50s.


March 2022: Student of the Month: Jada


January 2022: Student of the Month: Anne Bae