March 2021 Student of the Month: Sugar Plum

Pole Pressure March 2021 Student of Month

When did you start your pole journey with classes at Pole Pressure?

October 2020

Why did you decide to try pole dancing at Pole Pressure?

I was going through a divorce and wanted to increase my body strength, build stamina and get my confidence back in the bedroom.

What do you love most about pole dancing at Pole Pressure?

The structure for a beginner like me to learn foundational concepts, but also the freedom and ability to sign up for as many classes as I want so I can grow at my own pace. I like that some instructors focus on the core while others focus on dance moves, so it's a very nice balance.

Why do you love Pole Pressure?

It's a place where I can be myself, and not worry about the stress of life for just 60 minutes.

What are some of your goals for this year?

To be able to invert, and properly climb the pole.

If you could train with any of your pole idols, who would it be and why?

Cardi B. She has elevated the art of pole dancing and is a beautiful example of a lady with sexy confidence.

What motivates you to train?

I want to be able to look as good at 50 as I did at 30. Plus, I know one day someone will really benefit from my dedicated polling journey 😉.


April 2021 Student of the Month: Tiana L.


February 2021 Student of the Month: Sarah