January 2023: Student of the Month - Curtis

When did you start your pole journey with classes at Pole Pressure?

September 2021

Why did you decide to try pole dancing classes at Pole Pressure?

I came to pole thanks to a handful of great ambassadors for the sport - from the dancers who inspired me with their art to the super friendly performers who let me ask them questions about their pole journeys and encouraged me to try it out. I saw these incredibly talented dancers and said, "Hey, that's so amazing! Can I do that? I want to do that!" COVID delayed my entry, but it was one of the first things I signed up to do after getting vaccinated!

What do you love most about pole dancing classes at Pole Pressure?

It is so rewarding. I love the challenge and the feeling of accomplishment when I do something new or improve on an old move. For me, pole is a way to physically and mentally challenge myself. Through practice, I've grown more comfortable with my body and built confidence. And perhaps it's even a bit of an escape from the day-to-day - I'm not the only one who daydreams during Zoom meetings that I'd rather be spinning around on the pole, right? 

Why do you love Pole Pressure?

Pole Pressure has been a really great community on my pole journey. The studio has been a fun and safe space for me to push my body and the boundaries of how I express myself. The instructors are excellent and always bring a positive and uplifting attitude to class. And my classmates practicing beside me are always supportive and usually have smiles on their faces.

What are some of your goals for this year?

My main goal for this year is to successfully train for a competition in April 2023. Walking onto the stage to perform will be a huge personal feat, and from there, I want to give a strong performance that I'm proud of. Aside from competing, I want to challenge myself to freestyle more. 

If you could train with any of your pole/aerial/fitness idols, who would it be and why?

Truthfully, I don't know many names of professional pole dancers - one of the great things about social media is that I am constantly delivering impressive videos of different people performing fantastic moves and routines. If I had to choose one, Cris Sáez is a performer and instructor I enjoy watching because he brings a cool style to his art, and I am always impressed by what he's capable of, which is inspiring. 

What motivates you to train?

Some days I leave the practice feeling like I really flopped, but it's never the end, and some of my proudest moments this year were accomplishing moves I struggled hard with. I train because I want to keep exploring what my body can do, and I want to continue to check more inhibitions and fears of failure at the door. Recently, I signed up to compete in April 2023, so successfully executing my routine is my North Star at the moment.


February 2023: Student of the Month - Courtney


December 2022: Student of the Month - Amaris